Download full-text PDF. This article was. To cite this article: Nina M. Silverstein (2015) 101+ Careers in Gerontology (2nd ed.) By C. Download 101 careers in gerontology or read online here in PDF or EPUB. Please click button to get 101 careers in gerontology book now. All books are in clear copy here, and all files are secure so don't worry about it.
Grabinski, C. Joanne,Niles-Yokum, Kelly. () 101+ careers in gerontology /
MLA Citation
Grabinski, C. Joanne,Niles-Yokum, Kelly.101+ Careers In Gerontology. : . Print.
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C. Joanne Grabinski, MA, ABD, FAGHE, with contributions of Kelly Niles-Yokum, MPA, PhD.
Main Author:
Grabinski, C. Joanne
Other Names:
Niles-Yokum, Kelly.
New York : Springer Publishing Company, [2015]
Second edition.
Gerontology - Vocational guidance - United States. | Older people - Services for - United States.
United States.
Table of Contents
Oakton Comm College
Download Book Learning In The Workplace A Toolkit For Facilitating Learning And Assessment In Health And Social Care Settings in PDF format. You can Read Online Learning In The Workplace A Toolkit For Facilitating Learning And Assessment In Health And Social Care Settings here in PDF, EPUB, Mobi or Docx formats.
Learning In The Workplace
Author :Joan Mulholland ISBN :9781136272776 Genre :Education File Size : 46.21 MB Format :PDF, Kindle Download :408 Read :695
This toolkit is designed for preparing health and social care practitioners for their role in facilitating learning in their workplace. It enables readers to recognise learning opportunities, communicate their professional knowledge, provide students with appropriate support, judge performance, co-ordinate student contact with others in the workplace and develop awareness of the needs of students from diverse backgrounds. With plenty of activities and questions, the reader can assess their knowledge base and apply the concepts in the toolkit to their work setting. This new edition is fully updated and now includes: international contexualisation; more coverage on meeting the diverse needs of students; and a new section on meeting professional standards, which discusses the NMC standards as well as those of other disciplines. A new companion website makes valuable supplementary material available – including further activities and articles on managing the placement learning experience, developing new supervisors, and making the most of reflection among others. Practical and easy-to-read, this is an important resource for all those practitioners who support students in the workplace.
Instructional Coaching In Action
Author :Ellen B. Eisenberg ISBN :9781416623717 Genre :Education File Size : 72.85 MB Format :PDF, ePub, Mobi Download :984 Read :889
Unlike “fix-it” strategies that targeted teachers are likely to resist, educator-centered instructional coaching—ECIC—offers respectful coaching for professionals within their schoolwide community. Evidence-based results across all content areas, authentic practices for data collection and analysis, along with nonevaluative, confidential collaboration offer a productive and promising path to teacher development. Coaches and teachers implement ECIC through a before-during-after—BDA—cycle that includes comprehensive planning between coach and teacher; classroom visitation and data collection; and debriefing and reflection. Drawing on their extensive experience with ECIC, authors Ellen B. Eisenberg, Bruce P. Eisenberg, Elliott A. Medrich, and Ivan Charner offer this detailed guidance for coaches and school leaders on how you and your school can create the conditions for an effective ECIC program, get buy-in from teachers, clearly define the role of coach, roll out a coaching initiative, and ensure ongoing success with coaching. Filled with authentic advice from coaches, Instructional Coaching in Action provides valuable insight and demonstrates how educator-centered instructional coaching can make a difference in teacher learning, instructional practice, and student outcomes.
Learning And Teaching In Clinical Contexts
Author :Clare Delany ISBN :9780729586627 Genre :Medical File Size : 88.33 MB Format :PDF Download :100 Read :165
Featuring the perspectives of more than 40 leading international researchers, theorists and practitioners in clinical education, Learning and Teaching in Clinical Contexts: A Practical Guide provides a bridge between the theoretical aspects of clinical education and the delivery of practical teaching strategies. Written by Clare Delany and Elizabeth Molloy, each chapter weaves together education theory, education strategies and illustrative learning and teaching case scenarios drawn from multidisciplinary clinical contexts. The text supports clinicians and educators responsible for designing and delivering health professional education in clinical workplaces and clinicians undertaking continuing education in workplace teaching. The book is divided into four sections, each addressing a key aspect of the learner and educator experience. Section 1 considers the learner’s needs as they make key transitions from classroom to workplace, or recent graduate to competent clinician Section 2 focuses on the influence of workplace contexts and how they can be used as positive catalysts to enhance learning Section 3 highlights the role of workplace assessments as embedded processes to positively influence learning Section 4 provides an overview of the changing roles of the clinical educator and processes and models of professional development to build educational expertise Demonstrates the integrated nature of three key threads within the field of clinical education: theory, method and context Highlights theoretical frameworks: cognitive, psychological, sociocultural, experiential and ethical traditions and how they inform teaching decisions Incorporates case studies throughout to provide a context to learning and teaching in clinical education Includes practical tips from expert practitioners across different topics Includes an eBook with print purchase on evolve
Resources In Education
Author : ISBN :UOM:39015079893189 Genre :Education File Size : 79.85 MB Format :PDF Download :929 Read :542
Wanted: Gerontology Workers, Gerontological Specialists, and Gerontologists for careers now and into the future. As our population of persons aged 65 and over grows and lives longer through these ages, the need for more practitioners with gerontology-specific training is growing as well. Opportunities for careers in gerontology are everywhere and more are appearing every day, however the increasing number of options in this field makes the task of finding information, mentoring, and jobs more difficult. How do you know if gerontology is right for you and what options for practice are available? 101 Careers in Gerontology will guide you in your search, providing glimpses into and information about a broad range of options that are gerontology-specific or gerontology-related. This guide is for all levels of job seekers-college or high school students looking to begin careers or paths of study, professionals needing credentials, mid-career job seekers, even guidance counselors or parents looking for help counseling young adults. Types of jobs and where you would work-including areas you may not have considered such as clothing design, anthropology, or law-education requirements for those jobs, practitioner profiles, and emerging job prospects are all outlined to give you the information you need to decide which path in gerontology is right for you. Interviews with practitioners provide insight on what it's like to be starting out in gerontology or to have worked in the field for years, as well as the experience of starting out with a degree versus on-the-job learning. So go ahead, use this book and tweak your interest, spur your imagination, or identify a broader spectrum of career possibilities that might be a good fit for you. Welcome to the exciting, dynamic, and ever-expanding professional world of Gerontology!
Books In Print
Author : ISBN :UOM:39015045491084 Genre :American literature File Size : 51.28 MB Format :PDF, Kindle Download :231 Read :1102
Books in print is the major source of information on books currently published and in print in the United States. The database provides the record of forthcoming books, books in-print, and books out-of-print.
Library Information Science Abstracts
Author : ISBN :UOM:39015079680461 Genre :Information science File Size : 61.20 MB Format :PDF, Docs Download :589 Read :1230
Current Index To Journals In Education Semi Annual Cumulations 1989
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